Four Horsemen Drink Ingredients and Making Guide for You

The Four Horsemen drink is a combination of Johnnie Walker, Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, and Jameson. They team up and give you one of the strongest liquors in the world.

From the basic mixture, we have collected many Four Horsemen drink ingredients and making guide for you. And here they are.

Four horsemen drink ingredients and making guide for you

Ten amazing recipes for four horsemen drink ingredients are waiting for you to explore below! All of them are so easy that you can make drinks like a bartender.

Basic Four Horsemen

As for the basic Four Horsemen drink, you need to have four basic liquors. They are Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, Johnnie Walker, and Jose Cuervo. With these ingredients, there is no need to add ice.

Ingredients for one serving

  • Jim Beam: ¼ ounce
  • Jack Daniels: ¼ ounce
  • Johnnie Walker: ¼ ounce
  • Jose Cuervo: ¼ ounce


Pour four types of liquor in a shaker and serve it in a lowball glass.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

In addition to these above four basic liquors, we add Jägermeister, some juice, and syrup for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Besides, the drink will taste more delicious with ice.

Ingredients for one serving

  • Jim Beam: ½ ounce
  • Jack Daniels: ½ ounce
  • Johnny Walker: ½ ounce
  • Jose Cuervo: ½ ounce
  • Jägermeister: ½ ounce
  • Pineapple juice: 1 ounce
  • Lime juice: 1 ounce
  • Syrup: 1 ounce
  • Ice


Shake all ingredients together except the ice in a cocktail shaker. Then, the next step is to add some ice and keep shaking. Finally, serve the drink in a highball glass without ice.

Four Horsemen in a Boat

It is still the original recipe. But we mix some Grand Marnier to create a new version for the Four Horsemen.

Ingredients for one serving

  • Jim Beam: ¼ ounce
  • Jack Daniels: ¼ ounce
  • Johnnie Walker: ¼ ounce
  • Jose Cuervo: ¼ ounce
  • Grand Marnier: ¼ ounce


Repeat the same process as the previous recipe and use an old-fashioned glass to serve the drink.

Four Horsemen Go to Sea

A unique thing about this recipe is Captain Morgan. This special ingredient makes the Four Horsemen Go to Sea sexier in appearance.

Ingredients for one serving

  • Jim Beam: ¼ ounce
  • Jack Daniels: ¼ ounce
  • Johnnie Walker: ¼ ounce
  • Jose Cuervo: ¼ ounce
  • Captain Morgan: ¼ ounce


Combine all of the five ingredients and pour into an old-fashioned glass.

Flaming Four Horsemen

With the Flaming Four Horsemen, we will serve the drink with a fire.

Ingredients for one serving

  • Jim Beam: 1/4 ounce
  • Jack Daniels: 1/4 ounce
  • Johnnie Walker: 1/4 ounce
  • Jose Cuervo: 1/4 ounce
  • Bacardi 151: 1/4 ounce


Pour four liquors into four different short glasses and arrange them in a line. Next, add Bacardi 151 into those glasses as a flammable liquor. The flame will spread across four glasses when you light the first one in the row. Finally, you bow the fire out and enjoy your drink.

Four Horsemen Go Hunting

Because of the fifth ingredient’s name – Wild Turkey, people call this drink the Four Horsemen Go Hunting.

Ingredients for one serving

  • Jim Beam: 1/4 ounce
  • Jack Daniels: 1/4 ounce
  • Johnnie Walker: 1/4 ounce
  • Jose Cuervo: 1/4 ounce
  • Wild Turkey: 1/4 ounce


After combining five of the liquors above, you serve the mixture in a lowball glass.

Tips for pairing Four Horsemen drink and food

How about pairing the Four Horsemen drink with food? Believe us, you will never regret this idea!

Well, keep reading because we will give you tips for excellent pairings.

Logic pairing

Professional mixologists are not the only ones able to make the perfect pairing for the Four Horsemen drink and food. We can do that with basic food knowledge, too.

For example, a salad dressed with olive oil can go well with some lemon juice or lemon slices. Plus, butter sauce and vanilla is not a bad combination, either.

Matching or contrasting pairing

When pairing drinks and food, you can choose the matching or contrasting method based on their flavors.

We love to pick a barbecue as an example of matching. Its smoky flavor will surely go well with Jim Beam bourbon woody flavor in the Four Horsemen. 

As for the contrasting, we suggest you try to pair a hot spicy dish with cooling version Four Horsemen like Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Herb addition

Another excellent idea to pair the Four Horsemen with food is herbs. For instance, mixing sage and Jose Cuervo gold tequila for the Four Horsemen can give you a sense of warmth.

Adding herbs into drinks not only helps to boost flavors but also create aroma. With this purpose, bartenders often use mints, for example.


There are more and more Four Horsemen drink ingredients and making guide for you that we love to introduce, so stay tuned to our next reviews!

And feel free to share your amazing recipes with us and other readers by commenting down below, so we can enjoy delicious drinks together!

Thanks for reading and goodbye for now!

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