Legal Trust: What It Is & How It Works

When most people think about trusts, they think about the trust funds you see in the movies. You know, the ones where someone leaves their entire estate to their children or grandchildren?

While legal trusts can serve a similar purpose, they are actually quite different. In this blog post, we will discuss what legal trusts are and how they work. We will also explore some benefits of using a legal trust to manage your affairs.

Ready? Let’s dive right in!

First Things First: What Is a Legal Trust?

A legal trust is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. In the agreement, one party (the grantor) gives control of their property to another party (the trustee). The trustee then has the legal authority to manage and protect the assets that have been given to them.

However, you can also sell your property in a legal trust. And at, you can learn how one usually goes about this. That way, you can transfer ownership of their assets to another person or entity in a way that helps them protect those assets and manage them more effectively.

How Does a Legal Trust Work?

A legal trust works by giving the trustee control over the property and assets of the grantor. The trustee can use this power to manage the property, make decisions about how to use it, and provide for the benefit of the beneficiary.

The trustee is also responsible for following the terms of the trust agreement, which can include things like filing taxes, making investments, or distributing assets. The grantor may also choose to name an executor who will take over after their death and ensure that the trust is administered according to their wishes.

When the terms of the trust are complete, the trustee can distribute assets or transfer ownership to the beneficiaries as specified in the document.

Different Types of Trusts

Once you understand how legal trusts work, it is important to know about the types of trusts. The two main types of legal trusts are revocable and irrevocable trusts.

A revocable trust, also known as a living trust, allows the grantor—the person creating it—to alter or revoke it at any time during their lifetime. This type of trust is useful for estate planning, allowing the grantor to change beneficiaries or modify the terms as needed.

An irrevocable trust is a permanent arrangement that cannot be altered or revoked by the grantor once it has been created. Generally, this type of trust is used to protect assets from creditors and taxes, as the grantor no longer has access to the assets once it has been transferred into the trust.

In addition to these two main types, other trusts can be used for specific circumstances or purposes, such as charitable trusts, special needs trusts, and conservatorships. It is essential to consider all of your options when deciding which type of trust is best for your needs.

Benefits of a Legal Trust

If you’re considering setting up a legal trust, you may be wondering about the advantages it comes with. Generally speaking, the primary benefit of a legal trust is that it allows for the transfer of assets from one party to another in a secure and financially beneficial way.

This could include transferring money or property from an individual to their beneficiaries upon their death, ensuring that their wishes are carried out in a way that is both legal and financially sound.

Furthermore, trusts can be established to provide income or protection for minors or other individuals who may not have the capacity to act on their own behalf. Setting up a trust can also help reduce estate taxes and protect the assets within it from creditors and lawsuits.

In addition to these financial benefits, legal trusts can also provide a degree of control over how one’s assets are managed during their lifetime or after one passes away. This could include appointing a trustee to manage the trust, specifying certain conditions that must be met before funds or property can be distributed, and more.

Who Can Create a Legal Trust?

Since legal trusts are created through legal documents, anyone with the capacity to enter into a legally binding contract can create a trust.

Usually, this would include adults of sound mind who are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol and have reached 18 years of age. Depending on the type of trust being set up, there may be additional requirements, such as having sufficient financial resources or the ability to manage a trust’s assets.

How Much Does It Cost to Set up a Legal Trust?

When creating a legal trust, the cost of setting up and administering it will depend on its complexity.

Generally, the grantor pays for the expenses associated with creating and managing the trust. This includes attorney fees, filing fees, and other administrative costs. Depending on the size and complexity of the trust, these costs can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Once the trust is established, there may be ongoing fees for managing investments, filing taxes, and other fiduciary services. These fees are typically paid out of the income generated by the trust assets. The grantor may also choose to make special provisions in their trust document to cover these expenses.

In some cases, a trust may also be subject to transfer taxes, depending on the size and structure of the trust. Transfer taxes are typically paid by the grantor when establishing a trust.

Legal Trusts Can Be Useful in Plenty of Life Situations

To sum it up, a legal trust is a contractual agreement between two or more parties where one party holds property for the benefit of another. And it can be used as a way of protecting assets and providing for the future.

So, it’s important to understand legal trusts and how they work to maximize the benefits of creating one. Good luck!

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