Plasmids 101: What Is a Plasmid, And Why Is It Useful In a Lab

Plasmids are circular DNA molecules outside the main bacterial chromosome, enabling them to replicate independently. Present in numerous microorganisms, plasmids play a key role in gene transfer and transfection processes. They were first discovered by researchers in the late 1950s,…

Stress relieving tips for professional nurses

Unquestionably, job stress is one of the most challenging mental health conditions professionals must manage, primarily if it manifests during work hours. And although stress is indeed a natural element of daily living. Prolonged stress, however, can raise your likelihood…

Germ Control: Disinfecting High-Touch Surfaces of Electronic Equipment

In today’s world, maintaining a clean and sanitary environment is more important than ever. This includes disinfecting high-touch surfaces of electronic equipment, such as keyboards, phones, and touch screens. These surfaces can harbor harmful germs and bacteria, and regular disinfection…